Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Top-5-Selling--Mistakes---Free Sample Sales Forms

http://myemail.constantcontact.com/Top-5-Selling--Mistakes---Free-Sample-Forms.html?soid=1101216917167&aid=sBrGR1HNRsA The quality of the tools in your sales toolbox will have a direct impact on your outcome. The better the tools, the higher your closing and conversion rates. The better the tools, the stronger your client partnerships. The better the tools, the more value you can provide. Getting this? These tools work in conjunction with your sales training efforts. They enhance and support the ability of your sales team to provide strategically designed solutions that accurately target the challenges/objectives of the client. These are Generic forms that must be tweaked to incorporate the value driven verbiage and specific lingo for your industry and profession. Use them wisely and happy selling. Debra

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Successful Sales Tips for Beginners - Step #I

If you typically shy away from promoting yourself, your product or service for fear of being perceived as 'pushy' or 'sales-y' (heaven forbid!) - You are not alone. Over the course of my career, I have trained hundreds of business professionals, entrepreneurs and sales representatives to partner with their prospects and clients; to add value; assist clients in achieving their business goals and to improve circumstances - help clients increase efficiency, productivity and reduce costs. Only then can you call yourself a true Sales Professional. The sales process is one of educating your client and then developing and executing a plan of action that moves your clients' business forward. In this article, Sales Tip #I of many to come, I have provided a check list and outline of each of the steps that must be taken to ensure your success. Sales Tip #1: What is your goal? Read Article

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Lean, Green Sales with the S.H.A.R.P. Sales TrainingTM System

STOP SELLING! BECOME A TRUSTED PARTNER - ADD VALUE - SOLVE CHALLENGES AND IMPROVE CIRCUMSTANCES. Have you heard of the S.H.A.R.P. Sales Program? It takes the best of Ziglar, Gitomer, Carnegie, 360, Solution, SPIN and Sandler and puts them together in a simple to implement, well explained, detailed and interactive training program. You can purchase the DVD's along with the corresponding workbooks by contacting us at Info@DPSalesPro.com. Lean, Green Sales with the S.H.A.R.P. Sales TrainingTM System