Tuesday, November 13, 2012

10 Quick Steps to Customer Loyalty

  1. Develop Communication Tools: email; newsletter, monthly flier, reminder cards, holiday greeting cards
  2. Product Awareness:  Be aware of cross-selling and up-selling opportunities. Gauge usage and maintain appropriate inventory levels when possible.
  3. Customer Service: Respond quickly to inquiries, rectify issues promptly without conflict.
  4. Reliability: under sell and over promise. Monitor customer expectations and adjust turn-around times quoted accordingly.
  5. Employee Loyalty:  Happy employees equals Happy customers. Remember top down communication and positive feedback.
  6. Remain Flexible: Whenever possible, accommodate customer problems without making excuses.
  7. Employee Training: Provide tools and support required. Empower them to make decisions that benefit customers.
  8. Human Touch:  Customers prefer to speak with humans, not leave voicemails and hope for a return call. Have a ‘speak to operator’ option in your call system.
  9. Customer Incentives: Discounts, buy one/get one free, every 10th ___ is free, etc.
  10. Practice Dale Carnegie: Practice remembering names, significant info, etc. Make notes if necessary and refer to before picking up the phone.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sales Strategy #1 - Pre-Call Worksheet

What is a 'Pre-Call Worksheet'? Take a peek, listen, learn and shorten your sales cycle! To your success, Debra Talk Fusion Studio UTC

Thursday, January 26, 2012

5 Key Sales Steps in 5 Minutes or Less in 5 Weeks

5 Key Sales Steps in 5 Minutes or Less in 5 Weeks - Increase Revenue and Productivity This is not a sales promo - This is me giving valuable information at no cost to you. Take 2 minutes to watch the video and see for yourself - if you are interested, send me an email and I'll be sure to add you to distribution list - and no, I do not share, sell or abuse your contact info. To your success, Debra Talk Fusion Studio UTC