- Establish a Clear, Concise and Focused Job Description. What are the expectations of the position? Paperwork to be turned in? CRM tools to be utilized?
- Provide Easily Accessible and Updated Marketing Tools and Support Documents. Brochures, business cards, online demo capability - make it easy for the reps to conduct value-driven sales presentations.
- Maintain Open Lines of Communication. Provide updated information - price changes, discount programs, marketing blitz, new or discontinued product information in a timely manner. It is best to advise the sales team of these items before they go into effect.
- Provide Leadership and Support. Sales professionals need access to a 'point person' or mentor, especially at the onset of their career with your organization. Ensure sales opportunities are not lost due to unanswered questions or incomplete paperwork.
- Establish Opportunities for Networking. Your organization should hold memberships at local chambers, networking groups and community groups and your sales reps should be encouraged (or made part of their job description) to attend a minimum number of meetings per month.
- Provide In-Depth Product Knowledge Training. If your sales reps don't know the product they are selling, how can provide customized solutions to their prospects?
- Provide Sales Training and Coaching. Train your sales reps to be consultants, problem solvers and relationship builders. Teach them the verbiage you would use yourself.
- Provide Weekly Sales Coaching and Training Sessions. Weekly one-on-one meetings should be conducted in addition to weekly sales meetings. These meetings typically take about 30 minutes and focus on the individuals performance and areas in need of strengthening. For more info on how to conduct these sessions in motivating and success oriented manner, contact DP Sales Pro at Info@DPSalesPro.com.
- Develop Goals and Minimum Performance Standards. Sales goals should be specific, measurable and realistic or SMART. What are your expectations during the reps ramp up period? The first 6 months? Year? What is the very least you expect in return for the base/commission you are paying them?
- DEVELOP A REALISTIC PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT PLAN (PIP) AND LET THE REP GO WHO NEEDS TO GO. An under performing sales rep needs help. Either they are a Can't or a Won't. A Can't is a rep who should be placed on a PIP and coached to see improvement within a specific time frame. A Won't should be let go - immediately. All the Won'ts do is bring the moral down for the rest of your sales team.